Antonin MAIRE
GroupeAlice LocalisationBâtiment 20 / Bureau 203
Orcid :
0000-0002-4831-2367Page pro :
After undergraduate internships connected to different experiments (RHIC-STAR, HERA-H1, FAIR-CBM), I have then joined the ALICE experiment at the LHC from the Master-2 level on. In Strasbourg as a PhD Student (2008-2011), in Heidelberg as a post-doc (2011-2013) and then as CNRS researcher (2013-...), I have been essentially interested in Quark-Gluon Plasma and QCD physics. Summarizing the core of my research work boils down to analyses of hadrons identified with topological reconstruction, with a special focus on K°s(dsbar), Λ(uds), Ξ(dss), Ω(sss) and J/ψ(ccbar), D°(cubar), Ds(csbar), namely strangeness and charm flavours. The intention is to characterize strongly-interacting matter and understand the various expressions of collectivity in a QCD environment, be they soft or hard, flavour-dependent or independent, observed in nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus or - last but not least - proton-proton collisions. In connection with those prime concerns go several enthousiasms, among which silicon trackers and comparison between data and MC phenomenological models (via Rivet software). → ORCID number : 0000-0002-4831-2367 → ID INSPIRE : INSPIRE-A.Maire.2 → HAL : antonin-maire