08 février 2024

BEEPs: Dimitri Heintz: Ecosystems and the anthropogenic chemical exposome: A One Health approach

In recent years, with the emergence of environmental awareness and the global changes brought about by man-made pollution, the idea has gained ground that human health is highly dependent on that of the animals and plants that surround us, as well as on that of the ecosystems in which we live. Our health is just one facet of a single health. So the One Health approach invites us to think about health differently, by recognizing the interdependence between the well-being of human populations and that of the animals and ecosystems in which they live. In public health, we now know that 90% of chronic diseases are linked to our exposome, and in particular to chronic exposure to environmental pollutants, known as the chemical exposome. Wastewater treatment plants, which are unable to treat all man-made pollutants, are major contributors to environmental pollution. Sludge from sewage treatment plants, used as a fertilizer in agriculture, is largely responsible for environmental pollution and contamination of the food chain, right up to our plates. In Western countries, most wastewater is treated by planted filter- type treatment plants. The study of how these polluted wetland ecosystems function, the mitigation of pollutants and the associated ecosystem services are at the heart of my research project. The effects of the chemical exposome on: the health of the plants that carry out phytoremediation, the health of the animals that live there, human health and the microbes that are essential, are the central elements of my research project. Coming from a multidisciplinary background combining biology, chemistry and bioinformatics, I will be using a multi-omics, integrated and interdisciplinary approach to study the fate of these pollutants in the environment and ecosystems, as well as their bioaccumulation and effects on living organisms. A detailed understanding of the effects of the chemical exposome on animals will not be possible using omics approaches alone. It will be necessary to integrate the expertise possessed by DEPE colleagues, to identify target species, for example, or to measure the effects of pollutants on reproduction, growth, behavior and so on. Finally, the project will look at the wastewater treatment plant of the future, which will be more effective in mitigating pollutants. A new type of wastewater treatment plant based on agroforestry has been proposed, including a range of ecosystem services and value-added services in conjunction with decision-makers and social and economic partners. Topic: Zoom meeting – DEPE animation scientifique – BEEPS Join Zoom Meetinghttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92785456777?pwd=NU1FQzdwVTFERXZqMG5LRXJRSUlQZz09 Meeting ID: 927 8545 6777Passcode: LT1fEU


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08 février 2024, 11h0012h00

Début : 08/02/2024 à 11:00
Fin : 08/02/2024 à 12:00

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17 octobre 2024

Journée Technique Circuits Imprimés CNRS & Würth Elektronik PCBs

Rendez-vous le jeudi 17 octobre 2024, à partir de 9h00, à l'IPHC de Strasbourg pour une journée technique en partenariat avec Würth Elektronik France PCBs, expert fabricant allemand de circuits imprimés depuis 1971. Ouverte à tous, experts comme généralistes internes au CNRS ou non, cette journée sera l'occasion de se former sur la conception et la fabrication de circuits imprimés, éléments essentiels au développement d'une carte électronique. Elle se déroulera sous forme de présentations dont vous trouverez le programme sous la rubrique "ordre du jour". L'horaire des présentations est donné à titre indicatif et pourra être adapté en fonction du timing et de la demande des participants. Les présentations aborderont des sujets très variés tels que la conception et la fabrication de PCBs multicouches rigides et souples, les matériaux utilisés, les types de finition, les facteurs de coût, la dissipation thermique et autres technologies. Vous découvrirez aussi le site de configuration en ligne instantané de PCBs. En parallèle, l'équipe Würth Elektronik se tiendra à votre disposition, dans leur showroom roulant "WE mobil", pour vous apporter des réponses sur mesure et mettre à disposition des échantillons. Il sera stationné à côté du batiment 25 et accessible tout au long de la journée à votre convenance. Venez à tout moment pour poser vos questions et discuter de vos projets. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à remplir le formulaire d'inscription (onglet en haut à gauche). https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33291/