25 janvier 2024

BEEPs: Jose Noguera: Telomeres in the ocean & plasticity in the grassland: Exploring the Environmental Drivers of Aging, Underlying Mechanisms, and Evolutionary Consequences through the Study of Seabirds and Field Crickets

In this seminar, I will begin by discussing the mechanisms of ageing, with a particular focus on telomeres. Specifically, I will examine how different environmental conditions during pre-and post-natal development affect telomere length and dynamics in the yellow-legged gull, Larus michahellis. I will present results from our recent studies investigating the role of maternal glucocorticoids, exposure to prenatal social stressors (e.g. predation risk) and microbiome development in influencing postnatal telomere dynamics and telomere repair mechanisms. For example, our results suggest that mothers can increase telomere length in their offspring by moderately increasing the amount of glucocorticoids (i.e. corticosterone) in their eggs. However, complementary evidence suggests that endogenous glucocorticoid production in response to stressors, such as predation risk, comes at the cost of loss of telomere length. I will also show how the development of the gut microbiome early in life is related to telomere length in the early postnatal period. In the second part of the seminar, I will focus on a different animal model, the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. I will use this invertebrate species to illustrate the links between sex, plasticity and ageing. I will highlight several examples of how the adult sociosexual environment can induce plasticity in the allocation strategies between traits under pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection, and the implications of such changes for lifespan and ageing rates.Topic: Zoom meeting – DEPE animation scientifique – BEEPS Join Zoom Meetinghttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92785456777?pwd=NU1FQzdwVTFERXZqMG5LRXJRSUlQZz09 Meeting ID: 927 8545 6777Passcode: LT1fEU


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25 janvier 2024, 11h0012h00

Début : 25/01/2024 à 11:00
Fin : 25/01/2024 à 12:00

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10 octobre 2024

BEEPS : Seabird-MPA: Investigating potential effects of marine protected areas on seabird populations

Speakers: Norith Eckbo Seabirds are important health indicators for marine ecosystems and can help map areas with high biodiversity value. But seabird populations are also facing serious threats from multiple human activities along the coast and out at sea. In the Seabird-MPA pilot project, we investigate how seabirds may benefit from marine protected areas through diet quality. The project aims to investigate how to study the reproduction of two coastal seabird species, the black-backed seagull and the common eider, and potential benefit from a network of different marine protected areas (e.g. no-take area, lobster reserve, nature reserve) in South of Norway. Methods include individual GPS-tracking of spatial use, analysing ecophysiological parameters, monitoring of breeding success, and quantifying biodiversity through e-DNA linked to diet quality within vs outside marine protected areas. https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33770/

14 octobre 2024

Journée scientifique et technique IPHC

Speakers: auguste besson (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien), Quentin BONNEFOY (Université de Strasbourg & IPHC, CNRS), Quentin Bonnefoy (Uni. de Strasbourg & IPHC), Aurélie Bonhomme (IPHC/DRS/DNE) Amphi Grunenwald https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33637/