18 avril 2024

BEEPs: Ragavendra Gadkar: The Establishment and Maintenance of Division of Labour in the Indian Paper Wasp Ropalidia marginata

The Establishment and Maintenance of Division of Labour in the Indian Paper Wasp Ropalidia marginataRaghavendra GadagkarDST Year of Science Chair Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalorehttps://sites.google.com/view/raghavendragadagkar  Social insects such as ants, bees, wasps, and termites have achieved unparalleled ecological success, dominating terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. A significant factor that has made this possible is their efficient division of labour. Firstly, they exhibit a reproductive division of labour such that only one or a small number of individuals reproduce, leaving the remaining sterile workers free to undertake the tasks of nest building, colony defence, brood care and foraging. Secondly, they also exhibit non-reproductive division of labour such that different sub-groups of workers specialize in undertaking sub-sets of non-reproductive tasks. The twin benefits of task specialization and parallel processing help them to outperform their solitary counterparts. Using the Indian paper Ropalidia marginata, we have attempted to under how reproductive and non-reproductive division of labour are established in newly founded colonies and maintained in established colonies with many new-generation individuals. Topic: Zoom meeting – DEPE animation scientifique – BEEPS Join Zoom Meetinghttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92785456777?pwd=NU1FQzdwVTFERXZqMG5LRXJRSUlQZz09 Meeting ID: 927 8545 6777Passcode: LT1fEU


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18 avril 2024, 11h0012h00

Début : 18/04/2024 à 11:00
Fin : 18/04/2024 à 12:00

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10 octobre 2024

BEEPS : Seabird-MPA: Investigating potential effects of marine protected areas on seabird populations

Speakers: Norith Eckbo Seabirds are important health indicators for marine ecosystems and can help map areas with high biodiversity value. But seabird populations are also facing serious threats from multiple human activities along the coast and out at sea. In the Seabird-MPA pilot project, we investigate how seabirds may benefit from marine protected areas through diet quality. The project aims to investigate how to study the reproduction of two coastal seabird species, the black-backed seagull and the common eider, and potential benefit from a network of different marine protected areas (e.g. no-take area, lobster reserve, nature reserve) in South of Norway. Methods include individual GPS-tracking of spatial use, analysing ecophysiological parameters, monitoring of breeding success, and quantifying biodiversity through e-DNA linked to diet quality within vs outside marine protected areas. https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33770/

14 octobre 2024

Journée scientifique et technique IPHC

Speakers: auguste besson (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien), Quentin BONNEFOY (Université de Strasbourg & IPHC, CNRS), Quentin Bonnefoy (Uni. de Strasbourg & IPHC), Aurélie Bonhomme (IPHC/DRS/DNE) Amphi Grunenwald https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33637/