08 mars 2024

Exploring the neutrino mass hierarchy with the World’s largest liquid scintillator: The Juno Experiment

Speakers: Loic Labit (LP2IB-CNRS)

The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kilo-tons liquid scintillator detector currently under construction in southeast China. The primary goal of the experiment is to determine the mass hierarchy of the neutrino. By detecting the reactor antineutrino emitted by nuclear reactors located 53 km away and studying their oscillation pattern, the JUNO experiment will be able to resolve the mass hierarchy with a 3$\sigma$ sensitivity after 6 years of data taking.


En savoir plus

08 mars 2024, 15h0017h00
Amphi Grunewald (Bat 25)

Début : 08/03/2024 à 15:00
Fin : 08/03/2024 à 17:00

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26 janv.27 janv. 2025

Visit of CERN experiments (ALICE & CMS)

Speakers: Eric Baussan (IPHC / CNRS-IN2P3), Boris Hippolyte (IPHC Strasburg) The Strasbourg University in collaboration with IPHC//IN2P3 laboratory will organize a visit of CERN experiment from 26th-27th of January 2025.   https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34596/

26 janv.27 janv. 2025

Visit of CERN experiments (ALICE & CMS)

Speakers: Eric Baussan (IPHC / CNRS-IN2P3), Boris Hippolyte (IPHC Strasburg) The Strasbourg University in collaboration with IPHC//IN2P3 laboratory will organize a visit of CERN experiment from 26th-27th of January 2025.   https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34596/