24 mai 2024

« Nuclear structure evolutions probed by transfer reaction and laser spectroscopy » (Louis Lalanne – IPHC)

Speakers: Louis Lalanne (IPHC)

The atomic nucleus is a quantum many-body system composed of protons and neutrons, bound together by the nucleon nucleon interaction. Understanding how nuclear structure emerges from this interaction and how this structure evolves going far from the valley of stability has become one of the main quests of contemporary nuclear physic. In this seminar, several cases of nuclear structure evolution in exotic isotopes, revealed by different experimental methods will be presented and interpreted.  First the study of neutron deficient Ca isotopes using transfer reactions will be discussed, then preliminary results from laser spectroscopy experimental campaigns will be presented.
The 36Ca nucleus has several fascinating properties bringing together multiple fields of nuclear physics. In the mirror pair 36Ca-36S, the Coulomb interaction induces large isospin symmetry breaking effects that act as a magnifying glass of the structure of the excited states. The study of the corresponding mirror energy differences then allows to probe their structures and shapes. Furthermore, with 16 neutrons and 20 protons, 36Ca is expected to show features of a doubly magic nuclei. The magicity of the N=16 sub-shell closure has already been highlighted far from stability, in the neutron rich 24O but have still not been evidenced in the proton rich region. Finally, the 35K(p,γ)36Ca reaction has been identified as one of the ten (p,γ) reactions having the largest impact on the luminosity profile emitted during Type Ia X-ray burst. In this seminar, experimental results obtained at GANIL using (p,d) and (p,t) transfer reactions on 35Ca and 36Ca will be presented, together with their implication in the study of isospin symmetry breaking, shell evolution and nuclear astrophysics.
The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment is a laser spectroscopy setup operating at the ISOLDE facility of CERN, allowing to study the evolution of fundamental properties of the ground state (spin, electromagnetic moments and charge radii) as function of the neutron number. In the past few years, the CRIS collaboration undertaken several experimental campaigns aiming at the study of nuclear structure evolution along the Al and and Cr isotopic chains, together with the first experimental study of the RaF and AcF radioactive molecule. The neutron-rich Al isotopes provide an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of nuclear structure crossing the N = 20 shell closure and the transition into the N=20 island of inversion (IoI). The neutron rich Cr isotopes, located between the magical Ca and Ni, display the highest level of deformation and collectivity of the region. 64Cr is understood to be at the center of the N=40 island of inversion and the study of Cr ground state property from the stability to the N=40 IoI allows to get a comprehensive picture of the evolution from spherical and single particle behavior to deformed and collective structures. During this presentation, the preliminary results of these experiments will be presented together with the prospects of the CRIS experiment for 2024.


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24 mai 2024, 15h0017h00
Amphi Grunewald (batiment 25)

Début : 24/05/2024 à 15:00
Fin : 24/05/2024 à 17:00

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17 octobre 2024

Journée Technique Circuits Imprimés CNRS & Würth Elektronik PCBs

Rendez-vous le jeudi 17 octobre 2024, à partir de 9h00, à l'IPHC de Strasbourg pour une journée technique en partenariat avec Würth Elektronik France PCBs, expert fabricant allemand de circuits imprimés depuis 1971. Ouverte à tous, experts comme généralistes internes au CNRS ou non, cette journée sera l'occasion de se former sur la conception et la fabrication de circuits imprimés, éléments essentiels au développement d'une carte électronique. Elle se déroulera sous forme de présentations dont vous trouverez le programme sous la rubrique "ordre du jour". L'horaire des présentations est donné à titre indicatif et pourra être adapté en fonction du timing et de la demande des participants. Les présentations aborderont des sujets très variés tels que la conception et la fabrication de PCBs multicouches rigides et souples, les matériaux utilisés, les types de finition, les facteurs de coût, la dissipation thermique et autres technologies. Vous découvrirez aussi le site de configuration en ligne instantané de PCBs. En parallèle, l'équipe Würth Elektronik se tiendra à votre disposition, dans leur showroom roulant "WE mobil", pour vous apporter des réponses sur mesure et mettre à disposition des échantillons. Il sera stationné à côté du batiment 25 et accessible tout au long de la journée à votre convenance. Venez à tout moment pour poser vos questions et discuter de vos projets. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à remplir le formulaire d'inscription (onglet en haut à gauche). https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/33291/