31 mai 2024

Visite Sebastien INCERTI



En savoir plus

31 mai 2024, 08h3017h10
Pistache (27)

Début : 31/05/2024 à 08:30
Fin : 31/05/2024 à 17:10

Prochains évènements

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10 janvier 2025

Rencontre IPHC - Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg

The Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory (ObAS) and the Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) are organizing a day of meetings and discussions around our common themes, including cosmology, high-energy physics, transient objects, gravitational waves and stellar physics.  It will be held at IPHC : https://iphc.cnrs.fr/contact/ https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34390/

26 janv.27 janv. 2025

Visit of CERN experiments (ALICE & CMS)

Speakers: Eric Baussan (IPHC / CNRS-IN2P3), Boris Hippolyte (IPHC Strasburg) The Strasbourg University in collaboration with IPHC//IN2P3 laboratory will organize a visit of CERN experiment from 26th-27th of January 2025.   https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34596/