Theoritical physics

The principal research subjects of the Theory team are nuclear and particle physics. The activities range from formal studies to phenomenology and large-scale computations. 

The research subjects of nuclear physics cover structure and reactions at low energy in the atomic nucleus. The teams’ expertise is the microscopic description of all types of nuclear systems: from the few-body and light nuclei through mid-mass ones and up to heavy and superheavy. The research is oriented simultaneously on the theoretical models’ developments and strong collaborations with experimental physicists, on emergence of new projects and on the interpretation and promotion of experimental results. Those activities are developed within national and international collaborations, in synergy with research programs of numerous experimental groups at IN2P3 and at large international facilities (GANIL, CERN, GSI, Legnaro, MSU, RIKEN).

The group activities related to high-energy physics cover its formal aspects ( quantum field theory, formal aspects of supersymmetry, supergravity, open quantum systems, quantum renormalization group) as well as phenomenology, in collaboration with experimentalists (e.g. phenomenological studies of supersymmetry). The group carries also developments of tools for studies of physics at large colliders.

Scientific coordinator: Kamila SIEJA

Members of the Theoritical physics team