Observations with Gravitational waves & Multimessenger Astronomy – OGMA

Observations with Gravitational waves & Multimessenger Astronomy” (OGMA[1]) is a new team at IPHC created in 2021, centred on multimessenger astronomy, the combination of gravitational, neutrino and electromagnetic observations to extract informations on astrophysical sources and their emissions, in particular on the origin of high energy cosmic rays.

OGMA is the inheritance of “Neutrino Astronomy” activities led at IPHC since 1999, with Neutrino telescopes ANTARES and KM3NeT. Until 2021 and the creation of the OGMA team, the “Neutrino Astronomy” activities were part of the “Neutrino” Team.

These activities consisted in the participation to the construction of the telescopes, front-end electronics for ANTARES, and, since 2016, the production of Digital Optical Modules (DOM) of KM3NeT. Physics analyses have always been oriented towards Multimessenger astronomy : correlations between High Energy Neutrinos and gamma-ray photons, but mostly coincidences between Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos (GWHEN), since 2006. OGMA still take part in these multi messenger activities within ANTARES, KM3NeT and, more recently, Virgo.

OGMA is now also involved in the detection of Gravitational Waves (Virgo / LIGO collaborations) since 2019, through Newtonian Calibration of the Virgo interferometer, the definition of online searches for gravitational signals (MBTA) and multi messenger analyses, including GWHEN.

OGMA also participates to the search for electromagnetic counterparts of high energy neutrino sources (GRANDMA).

[1] OGMA was the celtic deity of eloquence, who would use his powers of persuasion to bind men to himself.

Scientifique coordinator : Thierry PRADIER

Members of the OGMA team

Researchers and academics

Florian AUBIN

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Benoit MOURS

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PhD student and interns


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Antoine SYX

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Technical and administrative staff