Au travers d’une approche pluridisciplinaire et intégrative, l’équipe AVEC cherche à déterminer comment et dans quelles mesures les changements environnementaux affectent les processus écologiques et évolutifs des espèces animales, et quelles sont les limites des capacités d’adaptation des espèces face aux changements rapides de leur environnement : en d’autres termes quels sont les points de bascule à différents niveaux d’organisation biologique – depuis le génome jusqu’à la dynamique des populations et des écosystèmes, en passant par l’individu, sa physiologie et ses stratégies comportementales. Nos études, sur des modèles biologiques dits exotiques de vertébrés majoritairement marins, intègrent des développements de méthodologies innovantes en instrumentation et en modélisation (e.g. suivis électroniques, biologging, robotique, incluant aussi l’utilisation des méthodes d’intelligence artificielle), afin de limiter les manipulations et potentiel impact sur les individus, tout en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives de recherche en écologie évolutive. Les suivis à long-terme d’espèces sentinelles (Observatoires du Vivant) développés au sein de l’équipe sont de précieux outils pour identifier les points de bascule et pour la mise en place de stratégies de conservation et de gestion durables de la biodiversité.
Responsable scientifique : Céline LE BOHEC
Membres de l’équipe AVEC
Publications récentes
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Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Aubin, Thierry; Planas-Bielsa, Víctor; Schull, Quentin; Bonadonna, Francesco; Cornec, Clément; Le Maho, Yvon; Troudet, Laura; Le Bohec, Céline
How king penguins advertise their sexual maturity
Animal Behaviour, 2021, 177, 253-267. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.05.015).
Bertile, Fabrice; Habold, Caroline; Le Maho, Yvon; Giroud, Sylvain
Body protein sparing in hibernators: a source for biomedical innovation
Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 12, 634953. (10.3389/fphys.2021.634953).
Tissier, Mathilde, Louise; Kletty, Florian; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Habold, Caroline
Sustainable Agriculture: Nutritional Benefits of WheatÐSoybean and MaizeÐSunflower Associations for Hibernation and Reproduction of Endangered Common Hamsters
Sustainability, 2021, 13, . (10.3390/su132413521).
Enstipp, Manfred R.; Bost, Charles-André; Le Bohec, Céline; Chatelain, Nicolas; Weimerskirch, Henri; Handrich, Yves
The early life of king penguins: ontogeny of dive capacity and foraging behaviour in an expert diver
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2021, , . (10.1242/jeb.242512).
Laurens, Claire; Grundler, F.; Damiot, Anthony; Chery, Isabelle; Le Maho, Anne Laure; Zahariev, Alexandre; Le Maho, Yvon; Bergouignan, Audrey; Gauquelin-Koch, Guillemette; Simon, Chantal; Blanc, Stéphane; Wilhelmi de Toledo, Françoise
Is muscle and protein loss relevant in long-term fasting in healthy men? A prospective trial on physiological adaptations
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2021, , . (10.1002/jcsm.12766).
Michelot, C.; Kato, A.; Raclot, T.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.
Adelie penguins foraging consistency and site fidelity are conditioned by breeding status and environmental conditions
PLOS One, 2021, 16(1), . (10.1371/journal.pone.0244298).
Caccavo, J. A.; Raclot, T.; Poupart, T.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Angelier, F.
Anthropogenic activities are associated with shorter telomeres in chicks of Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)
Polar Biology, 2021, 44(7), 1391-1399. (10.1007/s00300-021-02892-7).
Siegwalt, Flora; Benhamou, Simon; Girondot, Marc; Jeantet, Lorène; Martin, Jordan; Bonola, Marc; Lelong, Pierre; Grand, Clément; Chambault, Philippine; Benhalilou, Abdelwahab; Murgale, Céline; Maillet, Thomas; Andreani, Lucas; Campistron, Guilhem; Jacaria, François; Hielard, Gaëlle; Arqué, Alexandre; Etienne, Denis; Gresser, Julie; Régis, Sidney; Lecerf, Nicolas; Frouin, Cédric; Lefebvre, Fabien; Aubert, Nathalie; Vedie, Fabien; Barnerias, Cyrille; Thieulle, Laurent; Guimera, Christelle; Bouaziz, Myriam; Pinson, Adrien; Flora, Frédéric; George, Francis; Eggenspieler, Joffrey; Woignier, Thierry; Allenou, Jean-Pierre; Louis-Jean, Laurent; Chanteur, Bénédicte; Béranger, Christelle; Crillon, Jessica; Brador, Aude; Habold, Caroline; Le Maho, Yvon; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Chevallier, Damien
High fidelity of sea turtles to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture: New insights for the establishment of key marine conservation areas
Biological Conservation, 2020, 250, . (10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108742).
Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Le Bohec, Céline; Cerwenka, Alexander F.; Hertel, Moritz; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Ruthensteiner, Bernhard; Gahr, Manfred; Aubin, Thierry; Düring, Daniel Normen
Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: morphological traits of two-voiced sound production
Frontiers in Zoology, 2020, 17(1), 5. (10.1186/s12983-020-0351-8).
Ibrahim, Marianne; Wasselin, Thierry; Challet, Etienne; Van Dorsselaer, Alain; Le Maho, Yvon; Raclot, Thierry; Bertile, Fabrice
Transcriptional Changes Involved in Atrophying Muscles during Prolonged Fasting in Rats
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(17), 5984. (10.3390/ijms21175984).
Jeantet, Lorène; Planas-Bielsa, Víctor; Benhamou, Simon; Geiger, Sebastien; Martin, Jordan; Siegwalt, Flora; Lelong, Pierre; Gresser, Julie; Etienne, Denis; Hiélard, Gaëlle; Arque, Alexandre; Regis, Sidney; Lecerf, Nicolas; Frouin, Cédric; Benhalilou, Abdelwahab; Murgale, Céline; Maillet, Thomas; Andreani, Lucas; Campistron, Guilhem; Delvaux, Hélène; Guyon, Christelle; Richard, Sandrine; Lefebvre, Fabien; Aubert, Nathalie; Habold, Caroline; Le Maho, Yvon; Chevallier, Damien
Behavioural inference from signal processing using animal-borne multi-sensor loggers: a novel solution to extend the knowledge of sea turtle ecology
Royal Society Open Science, 2020, 7(5), 200139. (10.1098/rsos.200139).
Debache, Isaac; Jeantet, Lorène; Chevallier, Damien; Bergouignan, Audrey; Sueur, Cédric
A Lean and Performant Hierarchical Model for Human Activity Recognition Using Body-Mounted Sensors
Sensors, 2020, 20(11), 3090. (10.3390/s20113090).
Trathan, P.; Wienecke, Barbara; Barbraud, Christophe; Jenouvrier, Stéphanie; Kooyman, Gérald; Le Bohec, C.; Ainley, David G.; Ancel, André; Zitterbart, D. P.; Chown, S.L.; LaRue, Michelle; Cristofari, Robin; Younger, Jane; Clucas, Gemma; Bost, Charles-André; Brown, Jennifer A.; Gillett, Harriet J.; Fretwell, Peter T.
The emperor penguin – vulnerable to projected rates of warming and sea ice loss
Biological Conservation, 2020, 241, . (10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108216).
Jactel, H.; Imler, J. L.; Lambrechts, L.; Failloux, A. B.; Lebreton, J. D.; Le Maho, Y.; Duplessy, J. C.; Cossart, P.; Grandcolas, P.
Insect decline: immediate action is needed
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2020, 343(3), 295-296. (10.5802/crbiol.39).
Pertierra, L. R.; Segovia, N. I.; Noll, D.; Martinez, P. A.; Pliscoff, P.; Barbosa, A.; Aragon, P.; Rey, A. R.; Pistorius, P.; Trathan, P.; Polanowski, A.; Bonadonna, F.; Le Bohec, C.; Bi, K.; Wang-Claypool, C. Y.; Gonzalez-Acuna, D.; Dantas, G. P. M.; Bowie, R. C. K.; Poulin, E.; Vianna, J. A.
Cryptic speciation in gentoo penguins is driven by geographic isolation and regional marine conditions: Unforeseen vulnerabilities to global change
Diversity and Distributions, 2020, , . (10.1111/ddi.13072).
Winterl, Alexander; Richter, Sebastian,; Houstin, Aymeric; Nesterova, P. Anna P.; Bonadonna, Francesco; Schneider, Werner; Fabry, Ben; Le Bohec, Céline; Zitterbart, Daniel P.
micrObs Ð A customizable time-lapse camera for ecological studies
HardwareX, 2020, 8, e00134. (10.1016/j.ohx.2020.e00134).
Lewden, Agnès; Nord, Andreas; Bonnet, Batshéva; Chauvet, F.; Ancel, André; McCafferty, D. J.
Body surface rewarming in fully and partially hypothermic king penguins
Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2020, , . (10.1007/s00360-020-01294-1).
Michelot, C.; Kato, A.; Raclot, T.; Shiomi, K.; Goulet, P.; Bustamante, P.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.
Sea-ice edge is more important than closer open water access for foraging Adelie penguins: evidence from two colonies
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2020, 640, 215-230. (10.3354/meps13289).
Levy, H.; Fiddaman, S. R.; Vianna, J. A.; Noll, D.; Clucas, G. V.; Sidhu, J. K. H.; Polito, M. J.; Bost, C. A.; Phillips, R. A.; Crofts, S.; Miller, G. D.; Pistorius, P.; Bonnadonna, F.; Le Bohec, C.; Barbosa, A.; Trathan, P.; Rey, A. R.; Frantz, L. A. F.; Hart, T.; Smith, A. L.
Evidence of Pathogen-Induced Immunogenetic Selection across the Large Geographic Range of a Wild Seabird
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2020, 37(6), 1708-1726. (10.1093/molbev/msaa040).
Viblanc, V. A.; Schull, Q.; Stier, A.; Durand, L.; Lefol, E.; Robin, J.-P.; Zahn, S.; Bize, P. & Criscuolo, F.
Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins
Molecular Ecology, 2020, 29, 3154-3166. (10.1111/mec.15485).
Vianna, J. A.; Fernandes, F. A. N.; Frugone, M. J.; Figueiro, H. V.; Pertierra, L. R.; Nolla, D.; Bi, K.; Wang-Claypool, C. Y.; Lowther, A.; Parker, P.; Le Bohec, C.; Bonadonna, F.; Wienecke, B.; Pistorius, P.; Steinfurth, A.; Burridge, C. P.; Dantas, G. P. M.; Poulin, E.; Simison, W. B.; Henderson, J.; Eizirik, E.; Nery, M. F.; Bowie, R. C. K.
Genome-wide analyses reveal drivers of penguin diversification
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117(36), 22303-22310. (10.1073/pnas.2006659117).
Ibrahim, M.; Ayoub, D.; Wasselin, T.; Van Dorsselaer, Alain; Le Maho, Yvon; Raclot, Thierry; Bertile, Fabrice
Alterations in rat adipose tissue transcriptome and proteome in response to prolonged fasting
Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, 2019, 401(3), 389-405. (10.1515/hsz-2019-0184).
Schradin, Carsten; Ancel, André
In: Vonk J., Shackelford T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior., 2019, , . (10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_709-1).
Kletty, F.; Tissier, M.; Kourkgy, C.; Capber, F.; Zahariev, A.; Chatelain, N.; Courtecuisse, J.; Le Maho, Y.; Habold, C.
A focus on the European hamster to illustrate how to monitor endangered species
Integrative Zoology, 2019, 14(1), 65-74. (10.1111/1749-4877.12375).
Forin-Wiart, M.-A.; EnstippPP, M. R.; Le Maho, Y. & Handrich, Y.
Why implantation of bio-loggers may improve our understanding of how animals cope within their natural environment
Integrative Zoology, 2019, 14(1), 48-64. (10.1111/1749-4877.12364).
Trucchi, Emiliano; Cristofari, Robin; Le Bohec, Céline
Reply to: ‘The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation’
Nature Climate Change, 2019, 9(2), 122. (10.1038/s41558-018-0390-8).
Chaise, Laureline; Krellenstein, A.; Gallon, S. L.; Paterson, W.; McCafferty, D. J.; Théry, M.; Ancel, André; Gilbert, Caroline
Environmental and physiological determinants of huddling behavior of molting female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
Physiology & Behavior, 2019, 199, 182-190. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2018.10.016).
Cristofari, Robin; Plaza, Paula; Femandez, Claudia E.; Trucchi, Emiliano; Gouin, Nicolas; Le Bohec, Céline; Zavalaga, Carlos; Alfaro-Shigueto, Joanna; Luna-Jorquera, Guillermo
Unexpected population fragmentation in an endangered seabird: the case of the Peruvian diving-petrel
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 2021. (10.1038/s41598-019-38682-9).
Stier, Antoine; Schull, Quentin; Bize, Pierre; Lefol, Emilie; Haussmann, Mark; Roussel, Damien; Robin, Jean Patrice; Viblanc, Vincent A.
Oxidative stress and mitochondrial responses to stress exposure suggest that king penguins are naturally equipped to resist stress
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, . (10.1038/s41598-019-44990-x).
Rimbach, Rebecca; Blanc, Stéphane; Zahariev, Alexandre; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Pillay, Neville; Schradin, Carsten
Fat content of striped mice decreases during the breeding season but not during the food-restricted dry season
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019, 222(24), jeb208504. (10.1242/jeb.208504).
Enstipp, Manfred R.; Bost, Charles-André; Le Bohec, Céline; Bost, Caroline; Laesser, Robin; Le Maho, Yvon; Weimerskirch, Henri; Handrich, Yves
The dive performance of immature king penguins following their annual molt suggests physiological constraints
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019, 222(20), jeb208900. (10.1242/jeb.208900).
Bonola, Marc; Girondot, Marc; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Martin, Jordan; Siegwalt, Flora; Jeantet, Lorène; Lelong, Pierre; Grand, Clément; Chambault, Philippine; Etienne, Denis; Gresser, Julie; Hielard, Gaëlle; Alexandre, Arqué; Régis, Sidney; Nicolas, Lecerf; Frouin, Cédric; Lefebvre, Fabien; Sutter, Emmanuel; Vedie, Fabien; Barnerias, Cyrille; Laurent, Thieulle; Bordes, Robinson; Guimera, Christelle; Aubert, Nathalie; Bouaziz, Myriam; Pinson, Adrien; Frédéric, Flora; Matthieu, Duru; Benhalilou, Abdelwahab; Céline, Murgale; Maillet, Thomas; Andreani, Lucas; Campistron, Guilhem; Sikora, Maxym; Rateau, Fabian; Francis, George; Joffrey, Eggenspieler; Woignier, Thierry; Allenou, Jean-Pierre; Louis-Jean, Laurent; Chanteur, Bénédicte; Béranger, Christelle; Crillon, Jessica; Brador, Aude; Habold, Caroline; Le Maho, Yvon; Chevallier, Damien
Fine scale geographic residence and annual primary production drive body condition of wild immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles)
Biology Open, 2019, 8(12), bio.048058. (10.1242/bio.048058).
Eckbo, Norith; Le Bohec, Céline; Planas-Bielsa, Víctor; Warner, Nicholas A.; Schull, Quentin; Herzke, Dorte; Zahn, Sandrine; Haarr, Ane; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Borga, Katrine
Individual variability in contaminants and physiological status in a resident Arctic seabird species
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 249, 191-199. (10.1016/j.envpol.2019.01.025).
Thiebot, Jean-Baptiste; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Raclot, Thierry; Poupart, Timothée; Kato, Akiko; Takahashi, Akinori
Adélie penguins’ extensive seasonal migration supports dynamic Marine Protected Area planning in Antarctica
Marine Policy, 2019, 109, 103692. (10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103692).
Kennicutt II, Mahlon C.; Bromwich, David; Liggett, Daniella; Njåstad, Birgit; Peck, Lloyd; Rintoul, Stephen R.; Ritz, Catherine; Siegert, Martin J.; Aitken, Alan; Brooks, Cassandra M.; Cassano, John; Chaturvedi, Sanjay; Chen, Dake; Dodds, Klaus; Golledge, Nicholas R.; Le Bohec, Céline; Leppe, Marcelo; Murray, Alison; Nath, Chandrika; Raphael, Marilyn N.; Rogan-Finnemore, Michelle; Schroeder, Dustin M.; Talley, Lynne; Travouillon, Tony; Vaughan, David G.; Weatherwax, Allan T.; Yang, Huigen; Chown, L. Steven
Sustained Antarctic Research – a 21st Century Imperative
One Earth, 2019, 1(1), 95-113. (10.1016/j.oneear.2019.08.014).
Dantas, G. P. M.; Oliveira, L. R.; Santos, A. M.; Flores, M. D.; de Melo, D. R.; Simeone, A.; Gonzalez-Acuna, D.; Luna-Jorquera, G.; Le Bohec, Céline; Valdes-Velasquez, A.; Cardena, M.; Morgante, J. S.; Vianna, J. A.
Uncovering population structure in the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) along the Pacific coast at South America
PLOS One, 2019, 14, e0215293. (10.1371/journal.pone.0215293).
Gerum, Richard C.; Richter, Sebastian; Winterl, Alexander; Mark, Christoph; Fabry, Ben; Le Bohec, Céline; Zitterbart, Daniel P.
CameraTransform: A Python package for perspective corrections and image mapping
SoftwareX, 2019, 10, 100333. (10.1016/j.softx.2019.100333).
Mouhoub Sayah, Chafika; Kadji, Hafsa-Djoudad; Kletty, Florian; Malan, André; Robin, Jean Patrice; Saboureau, Michel; Habold, Caroline
Seasonal variations in the diet and food selection of the Algerian hedgehog (Atelerix algirus)
African Zoology, 2018, 53 (1), 44835. (10.1080/15627020.2017.1419072).
Weitten, Mathieu; Tissier, Mathilde L.; Robin, Jean Patrice; Habold, Caroline
Dietary proteins improve hibernation and subsequent reproduction in the European hamster, Cricetus cricetus
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2018, 315(4), R848-R855. (10.1152/ajpregu.00146.2018).
Nivière, Manon; Chambault, Philippine; Pérez, Thierry; Etienne, Denis; Bonola, Marc; Martin, Jordan; Barnérias, Cyrille; Védie, Fabien; Mailles, Julien; Dumont-Dayot, Émilie; Gresser, Julie; Hiélard, Gaëlle; Régis, Sidney; Lecerf, Nicolas; Thieulle, Laurent; Duru, Matthieu; Lefebvre, Fabien; Milet, Guillaume; Guillemot, Blandine; Bildan, Bernard; de Montgolfier, Benjamin; Benhalilou, Abdelwahab; Murgale, Céline; Maillet, Thomas; Queneherve, Patrick; Woignier, Thierry; Safi, Morjane; Le Maho, Yvon; Petit, Odile; Chevallier, Damien
Identification of marine key areas across the Caribbean to ensure the conservation of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle
Biological Conservation, 2018, 223, 170-180. (10.1016/j.biocon.2018.05.002).
Schull, Q.; Viblanc, V. A.; Dobson, F. S.; Robin, J.-P.; Zahn, S.; Cristofari, R.; Bize, P. & Criscuolo, F.
Assortative pairing by telomere length in king penguins and relationships with breeding success
Canadian Journal of Zoology/Revue Canadienne de Zoologie, 2018, 96, 639-647. (10.1139/cjz-2017-0094).
Chaise, Laureline; Prinet, I.; Toscani, C.; Gallon, S. L.; Paterson, W.; McCafferty, D. J.; Théry, M.; Ancel, André; Gilbert, Caroline
Local weather and body condition influence habitat use and movements on land of moulting female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
Ecology & Evolution, 2018, 8, 6081-6090. (10.1002/ece3.4049).
Schull, Quentin; Robin, Jean Patrice; Dobson, F Stephen; Saadaoui, Hédi; Viblanc, Vincent; Bize, Pierre
Experimental stress during moult suggests the evolution of condition-dependent and condition-independent ornaments in the king penguin
Ecology & Evolution, 2018, 8(2), 1084-1095. (10.1002/ece3.3677).
Ropert-Coudert,Yan; Kato,Akiko; Shiomi,Kozue; Barbraud,Christophe; Angelier,Frédéric; Delord,Karine; Poupart,Timothée; Koubbi,Philippe; Raclot,Thierry
Two Recent Massive Breeding Failures in an Adélie Penguin Colony Call for the Creation of a Marine Protected Area in D’Urville Sea/Mertz
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2018, 5(264), . (10.3389/fmars.2018.00264).
Viblanc, Vincent; Schull, Quentin; Cornioley, T.; Stier, Antoine; Ménard, J.J.; Groscolas, René; Robin, Jean Patrice
An integrative appraisal of the hormonal and metabolic changes induced by acute stress using king penguins as a model.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2018, 269, 44835. (10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.08.024).
Kriesell, Hannah J.; Aubin, Thierry; Planas-Bielsa, Víctor; Benoiste, Marine; Bonadonna, Francesco; Gachot-Neveu, Hélène; Le Maho, Yvon; Schull, Quentin; Vallas, Benoit; Zahn, Sandrine; Le Bohec, Céline
Sex identification in King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus through morphological and acoustic cues
Ibis, 2018, 160, 755-768. (10.1111/ibi.12577).
Gerum, R.; Richter, S.; Fabry, B.; Le Bohec, Céline; Bonadonna, F.; Nesterova, Anna; Zitterbart, D. P.
Structural organisation and dynamics in king penguin colonies
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51, 164004. (10.1088/1361-6463/aab46b).
Richter, S.; Gerum, R.; Winterl, A.; Houstin, A.; Seifert, M.; Peschel, J.; Fabry, B.; Le Bohec, C.; Zitterbart, D. P.
Phase transitions in huddling emperor penguins
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(21), 8. (10.1088/1361-6463/aabb8e).
Cristofari, Robin; Liu, Xiaoming; Bonadonna, Francesco; Cherel, Yves; Pistorius, Pierre; Le Maho, Yvon; Raybaud, Virginie; Stenseth, N. C.; Le Bohec, Céline; Trucchi, Emiliano
Climate-driven range shifts of a predator species in a fragmented ecosystem
Nature Climate Change, 2018, 8(3), 245-251. (10.1038/s41558-018-0084-2).
Jeantet, Lorene; Dell’Amico, F.; Forin-Wiart, Marie Amélie; Coutant, M.; Bonola, M.; Etienne, D.; Gresser, J.; Regis, S.; Lecerf, N.; Lefebvre, F.; de Thoisy, B.; Le Maho, Yvon; Brucker, Mathieu; Chatelain, Nicolas; Laesser, Robin; Crenner, Francis; Handrich, Yves; Wilson, Rory P; Chevallier, Damien
Combined use of two supervised learning algorithms to model sea turtle behaviours from tri-axial acceleration data
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2018, 221(10), . (10.1242/jeb.177378).
Villa, S. M.; Koop, J. A. H.; Le Bohec, Céline; Clayton, D. H.
Beak of the pinch: anti-parasite traits are similar among Darwin’s finch species
Evolutionary Ecology, 2018, 32(5), 443-452. (10.1007/s10682-018-9949-0).
Le Guen, C.; Kato, Akiko; Raymond, Ben; Barbraud, Christophe; Beaulieu, Michael; Bost, Charles-André; Delord, K.; MacIntosh, A. J. J.; Meyer, Xavier; Raclot, Thierry; Sumner, M.; Takahashi, A.; Thiebot, J. B.; Ropert-Coudert, Yan
Reproductive performance and diving behaviour share a common sea-ice concentration optimum in Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)
Global Change Biology, 2018, 24(11), 5304-5317. (10.1111/gcb.14377).
Richter, Sebastian; Gerum, Richard C.; Schneider, Werner; Fabry, Ben; Le Bohec, Céline; Zitterbart, Daniel P.
A remote-controlled observatory for behavioural and ecological research: A case study on emperor penguins
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 9, 1168-1178. (10.1111/2041-210X.12971).
Chambault, Philippine; Roquet, F.; Benhamou, S.; Baudena, A.; Paladino, Frank V.; Pauthenet, E.; De Thoisy, B.; Crasson, R.; Brucker, Mathieu; Bonola, Marc; Dos Reis, V.; Le Maho, Yvon; Chevallier, Damien
The Gulf Stream frontal system : A key oceanographic feature in the habitat selection of the leatherback turtle ?
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2017, 123, 35-47. (10.1016/j.dsr.2017.03.003).
Ancel, André; Cristofari, Robin; Trathan, Phil N.; Gilbert, Caroline; Fretwell, Peter T.; Beaulieu, Michaël
Looking for new emperor penguin colonies? Filling the gaps
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2017, 9, 171-179. (10.1016/j.gecco.2017.01.003).
Beaulieu, Michaël; Ancel, André; Chastel, Olivier; Criscuolo, François; Raclot, Thierry
Socially-induced variation in physiological mediators of parental care in a colonial bird
Hormones and Behavior, 2017, 93, 39-46. (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.03.007).
Chambault, Philippine; Giraudou, Lucie; de Thoisy, Benoît; Bonola, Marc; Kelle, Laurent; Dos Reis, Virginie; Blanchard, Fabian; Le Maho, Yvon; Chevallier, Damien
Habitat use and diving behaviour of gravid olive ridley sea turtles under riverine conditions in French Guiana
Journal of Marine Systems, 2017, 165, 115-123. (10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.10.005).
Chaise, Laureline L.; Paterson, William; Laske, Timothy G.; Gallon, Susan L.; McCafferty, Dominic J.; Théry, Marc; Ancel, André; Gilbert, Caroline
Implantation of subcutaneous heart rate data loggers in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
Polar Biology, 2017, 40(11), 2307-2312. (10.1007/s00300-017-2144-x).
Tissier, Mathilde L.; Handrich, Yves; Dallongeville, O.; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Habold, Caroline
Diets derived from maize monoculture cause maternal infanticides in the endangered European hamster due to a vitamin B3 deficiency
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 2017, 284(1847), 20162168. (10.1098/rspb.2016.2168).
Enstipp, Manfred R.; Bost, Charles-André; Le Bohec, Céline; Bost, Caroline; Le Maho, Yvon; Weimerskirch, Henri; Handrich, Yves
Apparent changes in body insulation of juvenile king penguins suggest an energetic challenge during their early life at sea
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017, 220(14), 2666-2678. (10.1242/jeb.160143).
Thiebot, J. B.; Arnould, J. P. Y.; Gomez-Laich, A.; Ito, K.; Kato, A.; Mattern, T.; Mitamura, H.; Noda, T.; Poupart, T.; Quintana, F.; Raclot, Thierry; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Sala, J. E.; Seddon, P. J.; Sutton, G. J.; Yoda, K.; Takahashi, A.
Jellyfish and other gelata as food for four penguin species – insights from predator-borne videos
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Stier, Antoine; Romestaing, Caroline; Schull, Quentin; Lefol, Emilie; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Roussel, Damien; Bize, Pierre
How to measure mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution
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Mixed-stock analysis in green turtles Chelonia mydas: mtDNA decipher current connections among west Atlantic populations
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Marked phylogeographic structure of Gentoo penguin reveals an ongoing diversification process along the Southern Ocean
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Mutually honest? Physiological ‘qualities’ signaled by color ornaments in monomorphic king penguins
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The oxidative debt of fasting: evidence for short to medium-term costs of advanced fasting in adult king penguins
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Thiebot, Jean-Baptiste; Ito, Kentaro; Raclot, Thierry; Poupart, Timothée; Kato, Akiko; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Takahashi, Akinori
On the significance of Antarctic jellyfish as food for Adélie penguins, as revealed by video loggers
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