Notre groupe participe à l’expérience internationale Belle II, qui analyse les collisions leptoniques produites par SuperKEKB au Japon. Ce collisionneur est le plus intense au monde. Nous étudions les changements de saveur entre les quarks pour découvrir de nouveaux processus non décrits par les théories physiques. Nous nous concentrons en particulier sur des mesures sensibles à des sources supplémentaires de violation de la symétrie CP pouvant expliquer la disparition de l’antimatière dans l’univers, et nous testons le principe fondamental d’universalité leptonique, admis jusqu’à présent mais remis en cause par plusieurs mesures récentes.
Nous travaillons aussi sur le détecteur en silicium de Belle II  le plus proche de la collision et un des plus précis du domaine, ainsi qu’au développement de la prochaine génération de tels détecteurs.

Responsable scientifique : Isabelle RIPP-BAUDOT

Membres de l’équipe BELLE II


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Christian FINCK

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Sahil SAHA

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Corentin SANTOS

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Publications récentes

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V. Bertacchi et al., Belle II Tracking Group
Track finding at Belle II
Computer Physics Communications, 2021, 259, 107610. (10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107610).

C.-A. Reidel, C. Schuy, Ch. Finck, F. Horst, D. Boscolo, J. Baudot, E. Spiriti, T. Friedrich, M. Vanstalle, M. Durante, U. Weber
Response of the Mimosa-28 pixel sensor to a wide range of ion species and energies
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 00:00, 00:00, 00:00. (10.1016/j.nima.2021.165807).

H. Atmacan, Belle collaboration
Search for B0__±__ (_=e, _) with a hadronic tagging method at Belle
Physical Review D, 2021, 104 9, L091105. (10.1103/PhysRevD.104.L091105).

F. Abudinén, Belle II collaboration
Search for B+_K+__bar Decays Using an Inclusive Tagging Method at Belle II
Physics Review Letters, 2021, 127 18 , 181802. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.181802).

Z. Liptak et al., Belle II collaboration
Measurements of Beam Backgrounds in SuperKEKB Phase 2
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2021, , . ().

Kraan, A. C.; Zarrella, R.; Alexandrov, A.; Alpat, B.; Ambrosi, G.; Argiro, S.; Diaz, R. A.; Bartosik, N.; Battistoni, G.; Belcari, N.; Bellinzona, E.; Biondi, S.; Bruni, G.; Carra, P.; Cerello, P.; Ciarrocchi, E.; Clozza, A.; Colombi, S.; De Lellis, G.; Del Guerra, A.; De Simoni, M.; Di Crescenzo, A.; Di Ruzza, B.; Donetti, M.; Dong, Y.; Durante, M.; Faccini, R.; Ferrero, V.; Fiandrini, E.; Finck, C.; Fiorina, E.; Fischetti, M.; Francesconi, M.; Franchini, M.; Franciosini, G.; Galati, G.; Galli, L.; Gentile, V.; Giraudo, G.; Hetzel, R.; Iarocci, E.; Ionica, M.; Iuliano, A.; Kanxheri, K.; Lante, V.; La Tessa, C.; Laurenza, M.; Lauria, A.; Torres, E. L.; Marafini, M.; Massimi, C.; Mattei, I.; Mengarelli, A.; Moggi, A.; Montesi, M. C.; Morone, M. C.; Morrocchi, M.; Muraro, S.; Murtas, F.; Pastore, A.; Pastrone, N.; Patera, V.; Pennazio, F.; Placidi, P.; Pullia, M.; Raffaelli, F.; Ramello, L.; Ridolfi, R.; Rosso, V.; Sanelli, C.; Sarti, A.; Sartorelli, G.; Sato, O.; Savazzi, S.; Scavarda, L.; Schiavi, A.; Schuy, C.; Scifoni, E.; Sciubba, A.; Secher, A.; Selvi, M.; Servoli, L.; Silvestre, G.; Sitta, M.; Spighi, R.; Spiriti, E.; Sportelli, G.; Stahl, A.; Tioukov, V.; Tomassini, S.; Tommasino, F.; Toppi, M.; Traini, G.; Valle, S. M.; Vanstalle, M.; Villa, M.; Weber, U.; Zoccoli, A.; Bisogni, M. G.
Charge identification of nuclear fragments with the FOOT Time-Of-Flight system
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2021, 1001, . (10.1016/j.nima.2021.165206).

Qu, C. Y.; Dong, M. Y.; Baudot, J.; Besson, A.; Dong, J.; Goffe, M.; Hu-Guo, C.; Jiang, X. S.; Ju, X. D.; Lu, X. X.; Ma, X. Y.; OuYang, Q.; Tian, X. C.; Wang, M.; Winter, M.; Wu, L. H.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, H. Y.
Performance study of a MAPS detector prototype based on test beam
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2021, 986, . (10.1016/j.nima.2020.164810).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Study of the normalized transverse momentum distribution of W bosons produced in p(p)over-bar collisions at Ãs=1.96 TeV
Physical Review D, 2021, 103(1), . (10.1103/PhysRevD.103.012003).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ and TOTEM collaborations
Odderon Exchange from Elastic Scattering Differences between pp and ppbar_ Data at 1.96 TeV and from pp Forward Scattering Measurements
Physics Review Letters, 2021, 127 6, 62003. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.062003).

F. Abudinén, Belle II collaboration
Precise measurement of the D0 and D+ lifetimes at Belle II
Physics Review Letters, 2021, 127 21, 211801. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.211801).

H. Tanigawa et al., Belle II Collaboration
Performance of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 972, 164129. (10.1016/j.nima.2020.164129).

Cuesta, D.; Baudot, J.; Claus, G.; Goffe, M.; Jaaskelainen, K.; Santelj, L.; Specht, M.; Szelezniak, M.; Ripp-Baudot, I.
Operation of a double-sided CMOS pixelated detector at a high intensity e+e- particle collider
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 967, 163862. (10.1016/j.nima.2020.163862).

Ishikawa, A.; Arai, Y.; Baudot, J. M.; Haba, J.; Kachel, M.; Kurachi, I.; Li, T. H.; Ono, S.; Takayanagi, T.; Takeda, A.; Tsuboyama, T.; Yamada, M.
New pixel detector concept DuTiP for Belle II upgrade and the ILC with an SOI technology
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 978, . (10.1016/j.nima.2020.164404).

Reidel, CA; Schuy, C; Horst, F; Ecker, S; Finck, C; Durante, M; Weber, U
Fluence perturbation from fiducial markers due to edge-scattering measured with pixel sensors for 12C ion beams
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (8), 85005. (10.1088/1361-6560/ab762f).

F. Abudinen et al., Belle II Collaboration
Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle II experiment
Chinese Physics C, 2020, 44(2), 21001. (10.1088/1674-1137/44/2/021001).

Mattei, I.; Alexandrov, A.; Alunni Solestizi, L.; Ambrosi, G.; Argirò, S.; Bartosik, N.; Battistoni, G.; Belcari, N.; Biondi, S.; Bisogni, M. G.; Bruni, G.; Camarlinghi, N.; Carra, P.; Catanzani, E.; Ciarrocchi, E.; Cerello, P.; Clozza, A.; Colombi, S.; De Lellis, G.; Del Guerra, A.; De Simoni, M.; Di Crescenzo, A.; Donetti, M.; Dong, Y.; Durante, M.; Embriaco, A.; Emde, M.; Faccini, R.; Ferrero, V.; Ferroni, F.; Fiandrini, E.; Finck, C.; Fiorina, E.; Fischetti, M.; Francesconi, M.; Franchini, M.; Galli, L.; Gentile, V.; Hetzel, R.; Hild, S.; Iarocci, E.; Ionica, M.; Kanxheri, K.; Kraan, A. C.; Lante, V.; Lauria, A.; La Tessa, C.; Lopez Torres, E.; Massimi, C.; Marafini, M.; Mengarelli, A.; Mirabelli, R.; Montesi, M. C.; Morone, M. C.; Morrocchi, M.; Muraro, S.; Narici, L.; Pastore, A.; Pastrone, N.; Patera, V.; Pennazio, F.; Placidi, P.; Pullia, M.; Ramello, L.; Ridolfi, R.; Rosso, V.; Rovituso, M.; Sanelli, C.; Sartorelli, G.; Sato, O.; Savazzi, S.; Scavarda, L.; Schiavi, A.; Schuy, C.; Scifoni, E.; Sciubba, A.; Sécher, A.; Selvi, M.; Servoli, L.; Silvestre, G.; Sitta, M.; Spighi, R.; Spiriti, E.; Sportelli, G.; Stahl, A.; Tomassini, S.; Tommasino, F.; Traini, G.; Toppi, M.; Valeri, T.; Valle, S. M.; Vanstalle, M.; Villa, M.; Weber, U.; Zoccoli, A.; Sarti, A.
Measurement of 12C Fragmentation Cross Sections on C, O, and H in the Energy Range of Interest for Particle Therapy Applications
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2020, 4(2), 269-282. (10.1109/TRPMS.2020.2972197).

H. Tanigawa et al., Belle II Collaboration
Beam background study for the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 982, 164580. (10.1016/j.nima.2020.164580).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Studies of X(3872) and _(2S) production in ppbar collisions at 1.96 TeV
Physical Review D, 2020, 102(7), . (10.1103/PhysRevD.102.072005).

I. Adachi et al., Belle II Collaboration
Search for an Invisibly Decaying Z’ Boson at Belle II in e+ e_ _ _+ __ (e+ __) Plus Missing Energy Final States
Physical Review Letters, 2020, 124(14), 9. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.141801).

F. Abudinen et al., Belle II Collaboration
Search for Axionlike Particles Produced in e+e- Collisions at Belle II
Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125(16), . (10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.161806).

Heymes, J.; Dorokhov, A.; Kachel, M.; Baudot, J.
Study of the depletion depth in a frontside biased CMOS pixel sensors
Journal of Instrumentation, 2019, 14(01), P01018. (10.1088/1748-0221/14/01/p01018).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Properties of Z±c(3900) produced in ppbar collisions
Physical Review D, 2019, 100, 12005. (10.1103/PhysRevD.100.012005).

E. Kou et al., Belle II collaboration
The Belle II Physics Book
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019, -12, . (10.1093/ptep/ptz106).

Heymes, J.; Ammour, L.; Bautista, M.; Bertolone, G.; Dorokhov, A.; Fieux, S.; Gensolen, F.; Goffe, M.; Hu-Guo, C.; Kachel, M.; Lefebvre, F.; Pain, F.; Pangaud, P.; Pinot, L.; Gisquet, P.; Laniece, P.; Morel, C.; Verdier, M. A.; Winter, M.; Zimmer, L.; Baudot, J.
Implantable CMOS pixel sensor for positron imaging in rat brain
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018, 911, 19-24. (10.1016/j.nima.2018.09.117).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Study of the X-+/-(5568) state with semileptonic decays of the B-s(0) meson
Physical Review D, 2018, 97(9), 19. (10.1103/PhysRevD.97.092004).

T. Aaltonen et al., CDF and DØ collaborations
Tevatron Run II combination of the effective leptonic electroweak mixing angle
Physical Review D, 2018, 97(11), 20. (10.1103/PhysRevD.97.112007).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Evidence for Z±c(3900) in semi-inclusive decays of b-flavored hadrons
Physical Review D, 2018, 98(5), 11. (10.1103/PhysRevD.98.052010).

T. Aaltonen et al., CDF and DØ collaborations
Combined Forward-Backward Asymmetry Measurements in Top-Antitop Quark Production at the Tevatron
Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120(4), 42001. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.042001).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the Effective Weak Mixing Angle in ppbar -> Z/_* -> l+ l- Events
Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120(24), 241802. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.241802).

Besson, A.; Pérez Pérez, A.; Spiriti, E.; Baudot, J.; Claus, G.; Goffe, M.; Winter, M.
From vertex detectors to inner trackers with CMOS pixel sensors
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2017, 845, 33-37. (10.1016/j.nima.2016.04.081).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of top quark polarization in t_ lepton+jets final states
Physical Review D, 2017, 95, 11101. (10.1103/PhysRevD.95.011101).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the direct CP violating charge asymmetry in B±__±__D0 decays
Physical Review D, 2017, 95(3), 31101. (10.1103/PhysRevD.95.031101).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Combination of D0 measurements of the top quark mass
Physical Review D, 2017, 95, 112004. (10.1103/PhysRevD.95.112004).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of _ and _bar production in ppbar collisions
Physical Review D, 2016, 93, 32002. (10.1103/PhysRevD.93.032002).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Study of double parton interactions in diphoton plus dijet events in ppbar collisions at Ãs = 1.96 TeV
Physical Review D, 2016, 93, 52008. (10.1103/PhysRevD.93.052008).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetries in the production of _ and ½ baryons in ppbar collisions
Physical Review D, 2016, 93(11), 112001. (10.1103/PhysRevD.93.112001).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Bs0 lifetime measurement in the CP-odd decay channel Bs0 -> J/_ f0(980)
Physical Review D, 2016, 94(1), 12001. (10.1103/PhysRevD.94.012001).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the top quark mass using the matrix element technique in dilepton final states
Physical Review D, 2016, 94, 32004. (10.1103/PhysRevD.94.032004).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of the inclusive ttbar production cross section in ppbar collisions at Ãs=1.96 TeV and determination of the top quark pole mass
Physical Review D, 2016, 94(9), 92004. (10.1103/PhysRevD.94.092004).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Search for Violation of CPT and Lorentz Invariance in Bs0_ Meson Oscillations
Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116, 19901. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.019901).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Evidence for simultaneous production of J/_and _ mesons
Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116, 82002. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.082002).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Evidence for a Bs0¹+/- State
Physical Review Letters, 2016, 117(2), 22003. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.022003).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Precise measurement of the top quark mass in dilepton decays using optimized neutrino weighting
Physics Letters B, 2016, 752, 18-26. (10.1016/j.physletb.2015.10.086).

V.M. Abazov et al., DØ collaboration
Measurement of spin correlation between top and antitop quarks produced in ppbar collisions at Ãs=1.96 TeV
Physics Letters B, 2016, 757, 199-206. (10.1016/j.physletb.2016.03.053).